Common marketing missteps waste time and money. These 5 fixes are GAME CHANGERS.

Rocky Mountain Lesotho

Rocky Mountain Lesotho

On Friday, I discovered Colorado rugby. I also discovered a town called Glendale that’s surrounded by the City of Denver. Like a Rocky Mountain Lesotho.

miss snooks poetess - Stevie Smith -

Miss Snooks, Poetess

Miss Snooks, Poetess Miss Snooks was really awfully nice And never wrote a poem That was not really awfully nice And fitted to a woman,

90 days 90 reasons -

90 Days 90 Reasons

Fewer HOPE posters. Not too many bumper stickers. No songs by So I thought I’d share the opening salvo from 90 Days, 90 Reasons.

bulldog walker -

The Bulldog Walker

A mostly true story about an unneighborly bulldog walker and the nameless bulldog in her charge. And why I won’t answer to the name “Carol.”

more and more silver changes -

More and More Silver Changes

Sitting on the back porch drinking white thoughts you rain down. Shine on, O moon, Shake out more and more silver changes. “Back Yard” (Sandburg)

they should have behaved better -

They Should Have Behaved Better

“You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.” —

Atlantique cocktail -

Atlantique Cocktail Recipe

I discovered a new summer beverage called the Atlantique cocktail. To make it, you — Pour 1.5 parts vodka into a cocktail shaker with ice

Carolyn Daughters for President

Carolyn Daughters for President

Some years back, a friend thought I’d make a good elected official. Instead of writing “Carolyn Daughters for president!” he wrote “Carolyn Gowers for president!”

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