Come On Vogue – Fashion Tips from Cheryl Strayed
You know Cheryl Strayed is a hot commodity when Vogue comes calling. Trouble is, Vogue can’t leave well enough alone (read: Photoshop). Come on Vogue.
Common marketing missteps waste time and money. These 5 fixes are GAME CHANGERS.
You know Cheryl Strayed is a hot commodity when Vogue comes calling. Trouble is, Vogue can’t leave well enough alone (read: Photoshop). Come on Vogue.
I recently attended the San Francisco Writers Conference. Excellent presenters, lots of creative types, agent speed dating, loads of homework. And San Fran. Right on.
The worst multitasking ever: Neglecting client work and chores in favor of learning all about cars shaped like food and the idiots who drive them.
Wherein Carolyn and friends get lost in Vacaville (specifically, the airport parking lot), where they find a shop that sells ice cream made from cows.
Carolyn the hummingbird and Carolyn the person visit Sacramento, where Carolyn becomes whipsmart, a budding socialite, and a snappy dresser. Carolyn the person, I mean.
I got three calls from the Denver Center for the Performing Arts (DCPA). Actually Sarah (?) got three calls from the DCPA Denver auto dialer.
An Horatian Notion by Thomas Lux The thing gets made, gets built, and you’re the slave who rolls the log beneath the block, then another,
The New Yorker superstars who’ve rocked my world: Colson Whitehead, Junot Díaz, Jennifer Egan, Tessa Hadley, Ben Marcus, Michael Ondaatje, Said Sayrafiezadeh, and Ron Rash.
It’s the 200th anniversary of Charles Dickens’ birth, people. He was born at midnight on February 7, 1812. In a recent Time article, Radhika Jones says
Seeking a reverse osmosis expert? I’m not your guy. If you’re looking for reverse osmosis marketing, you should explain to me what exactly that is.
I teach writing and digital marketing courses, build corporate B2B marketing strategies, and write for businesses. POP QUIZ: What do I do for a living?
Several years back, my beloved Camden market ring spontaneously combusted while I was trying to shift gears in my shiftless RAV4 and buried itself somewhere
“Say ‘Prussian Blue’” is a two-minute freewriting exercise I wrote during Anne Randolph’s creative writing session last Friday. The writing prompt: Start with the word “Say.” I was inspired by
In 1933, F. Scott Fitzgerald ended a letter to his daughter, Scottie, with a list of things to worry about, things not to worry about,
Ricky Gervais hates Hollywood. David Fincher hates Meryl Streep. Madonna hates grammar (and Kelsey Grammer). Sofia Vergara hates Coke. And Tilda Swinton is the coolest.
Don’t hate on homework. It’s unbecoming. And it will give people the false impression that you didn’t and don’t enjoy doing homework. Which is INSANE.
“The chicken you’ll be enjoying tonight … his name was Colin. Here are his papers.” Portlandia starring Carrie Brownstein, Fred Armisen, and Colin the Chicken.
Thoughts about our supersized society, too many Beanie Babies, diminishing marginal utility, and a single stick of candy that needs to lasts throughout the year.
Replace marketing confusion and frenzy with marketing clarity and fast wins. Game-changer.
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