Hemingway Never Drank Here
At Bar Monserrate in Havana, the daiquiris are half price. Why? “Hemingway Never Drank Here.” No Hemingway tourists allowed. Now, that’s my kind of bar.
Common marketing missteps waste time and money. These 5 fixes are GAME CHANGERS.
At Bar Monserrate in Havana, the daiquiris are half price. Why? “Hemingway Never Drank Here.” No Hemingway tourists allowed. Now, that’s my kind of bar.
Playing marketing fixer: Picture a Pulp Fiction cleaner wiping up an agency’s mess and doing the work the agency promised to do but never did.
“[A] writer is a writer because even when there’s no hope, even when nothing you do shows any sign of promise, you keep writing anyway.”
Are you hiring the “best copywriters ever,” or are you hiring hacks? Here’s the truth about the good, the bad, and the would-be Starbucks barristas.
I have bad news for you. Bad marketing agencies abound. They sound great at the outset, but things go downhill rapidly. Here’s what to do.
Be Someone For Christ’s sake, learn to type and have something to fall back on. Be someone, make something of yourself, look at Gertrudo Ganley.
Have you ever tried bringing donations to Cuba? I have. I had incredible difficulty giving my filled suitcase away to anyone, anywhere, at any time.
Does your website need a redesign? Yes. Or no. Either way, don’t pay for unnecessary work or give away the keys to your digital kingdom.
A mostly true story about an email replication crisis, the Patterson Bigfoot, the man in black, and an Apple Wunderkind who doesn’t find me funny.
Your Catfish Friend If I were to live my life in catfish forms in scaffolds of skin and whiskers at the bottom of a pond
Is low-budget marketing all you can afford? You may luck out (yea, you!). However, the truth is that you usually get what you pay for.
DIY Marketing 101: You call in favors from your mom (proofreader extraordinaire), neighbor (used MacPaint in the ‘80s), and daughter’s boyfriend (owns a dope camera).
We called off the search, and the weary climbed down from the glacier with their dogs exhausted in the spring sun too tired to eat
So many marketing fiascos, so little time. If your marketing strategy seems off kilter, then it probably is. Luckily, most marketing fiascos can be fixed.
Marketing smoke and mirrors is a common marketing model. It involves a freelancer or an entire agency taking your cash in exchange for doing “stuff.”
Eighteen years ago, I formed an LLC called Gower Street. “Is Gower Street where you live?” some ask. Sort of. In the past. Another lifetime.
You need ghostwriting services so you can finally get that book in your head into print, but you’re not sure where to start. Start here.
The Art of Storytelling: The shoe game is complicated. First you talk about your shoes. And … that’s it. You just talk about your shoes.
Replace marketing confusion and frenzy with marketing clarity and fast wins. Game-changer.
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