Why the Poorest County in WV Believes in Trump
“You always got to start at the bottom of the totem pole,” says one resident of McDowell County, West Virginia. “Well you don’t,” says another.
Common marketing missteps waste time and money. These 5 fixes are GAME CHANGERS.
“You always got to start at the bottom of the totem pole,” says one resident of McDowell County, West Virginia. “Well you don’t,” says another.
I recently saw some paintings by Marjolyn van der Hart at the NYC Affordable Art Fair. Tea for Two blew me away. Warm, comforting colors.
Ross Perot won me over. No foolin, I was a big fan. I even hand-painted a Ross Perot t-shirt and wore it into the Pentagon,
If I lived in Lima, I would live in the Barranco district. Charming, beautiful. Colonial buildings. Strolling streets. The Malecón. Bajada de Baños. Puente de los Suspiros.
On Day 4 of the Lares Trek, we left Aguas Calientes at 3 a.m. and headed out on foot to catch Machu Picchu at sunrise.
Machu Picchu day four, Saturday, August 20. We arrived before dawn.
Machu Picchu: Huacahuasi to Patacancha: The hardest damn day of hiking I’ve had in years. A coming to Jesus day of hiking. Ups and downs,
Day One. Hike from Lares to Huacahuasi. We camped at 3,750m (12,300 feet). A good day. My legs still functioning. Our group so startlingly alone.
The Lares Trek is an alternative to the Inca Trail. It’s for those who want to hike to Machu Picchu amid gorgeous scenery and local peoples
Lares Trek to Machu Picchu: Four days of hiking and camping, blessed isolation, and a final 3 a.m. trek from Aguas Calientes to Machu Picchu.
And so it began. Our Machu Picchu adventure. 6 a.m. departure from Cusco to the Lares trailhead, a four-day hike. Machu Picchu, here we come.
Play your cards right, and you’ll have a 22-hour layover in Panama City en route to Lima. I call it the Panama City layover plan.
We hoofed it up Ancon Hill in Panama City, and this stunner of a butterfly landed on this stunner of a flower for 2.4 seconds,
The real one’s in Panama. As in the country. I’m heading there in a few days. But the other one? The one in Florida? That one’s crazy.
What I knew back in 1989: The Ayatollah Khomeini’s fatwa called for Salman Rushdie’s death. The running joke: Salman is in a rush to die.
A somewhat weary post about passion, perseverance, and true grit of the Pablo Picasso kind. Because inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.
One of the great misfortunes of modern life is the want of any sudden surprise, the absence of all adventures. Everything is so well arranged.
Exploration is not so much a covering of surface distance as a study in depth: a fleeting episode, a fragment of landscape or a remark
Replace marketing confusion and frenzy with marketing clarity and fast wins. Game-changer.
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