Highlands Garden 24 Hour Fitness vs. the Glenarm Rec
What’s the Highlands Garden 24 Hour Fitness like? Imagine if everyone at Whole Foods stopped filling their carts with boxed water and started doing handstands.
Common marketing missteps waste time and money. These 5 fixes are GAME CHANGERS.
What’s the Highlands Garden 24 Hour Fitness like? Imagine if everyone at Whole Foods stopped filling their carts with boxed water and started doing handstands.
Behind every great novelist is childhood trauma, miserable job, moments of self-discovery, episodes of debauchery, pathologic ambition, loyal pet, neglected spouse, and many personal demons.
Wherein I contemplate stealing Gordon Lightfoot. Not the Canadian singer-songwriter but the Golden Retriever. It gets slightly less confusing as you keep reading. Trust me.
A rather brief discussion of Colorado hydroponics, not to be confused with global hydrophonics, which has led to the destruction of lots of stereo equipment.
Have you seen the Sun Spot dog sculpture? If not, you should cancel your plans and bicycle on over. It should take you mere hours.
Rules to live by: Don’t tow my car. Or tow my friends’ cars. Or assault my friends. And for God’s sake, stop stealing my bikes.
“Here is a land where life is written in Water / the West is where the Water was and is” Colorado poet Thomas Hornsby Ferril
Why aren’t you taking my advice? Don’t be all, um, you never offered me any advice, and anyway I don’t need any advice right now,
I am made of light; I am made of stars. That’s what the tattoo says on my right arm. However, because it’s written in Spanish,
I want to get a little lost. See something new. Explore on foot. Speak another language for a while. Listen. Figure things out. Diagnosis: wanderlust.
[Playing the role of Alice Munro is lead Lighthouser Andrea Dupree. This fact is critical to the story, though the reason why never becomes apparent.]
Here you’ll find a meandering tale that’s apropos of something. God willing. And if it turns out that it’s not, at least it’s pretty short.
Make art not friends. Why? Because art is more important than your friends. Okay, not really. But, in a way, at times, sort of …
I should note that the following Cheryl Strayed conversations will be told with something in the neighborhood of 14% accuracy (a personal best for me).
Do I think you are amazing? Yes, I do. In addition, people you don’t even know think you are amazing. Now, how amazing is that?
How many socialites does it take to tell a blonde joke? If you’re thinking one, you’re way off. Starbucks blonde jokes are far too complicated.
Manhattan apartment phishing involves 1,497 unscrupulous rental agents doing something with something in order to accomplish something. I’m using Excel spreadsheets to document what’s what.
Want to visit my RiNo Denver loft? It’s super easy. Just follow these 25 super simple steps. (Printing these steps makes it even super easier!)
Replace marketing confusion and frenzy with marketing clarity and fast wins. Game-changer.
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