InterNations Denver (Dating Federick Morgan)
I belong to an international socializing and networking group called InterNations Denver. I often receive emails suggesting that InterNations may actually be a dating service.
Common marketing missteps waste time and money. These 5 fixes are GAME CHANGERS.
I belong to an international socializing and networking group called InterNations Denver. I often receive emails suggesting that InterNations may actually be a dating service.
On Friday, I discovered Colorado rugby. I also discovered a town called Glendale that’s surrounded by the City of Denver. Like a Rocky Mountain Lesotho.
A few years back, Smith Magazine compiled six word memoirs from artists, writers, musicians, and the like. The result: Not Quite What I Was Planning.
Miss Snooks, Poetess Miss Snooks was really awfully nice And never wrote a poem That was not really awfully nice And fitted to a woman,
A hot August day filled with Prince Harry, Paul Ryan, George Zimmerman, Data from Star Trek, rodents of unusual size, and the Dread Pirate Roberts.
“My dog doesn’t like other dogs.” Say it once. Now say it 36,400 times. Now ask yourself why you choose to own this amazing creature.
St. Olave’s was the favorite church of Charles Dickens, who called it Ghastly Grim. Samuel Pepys is buried there. Mother Goose and Mary Ramsey, too.
The Importance of Being Gore Vidal: “Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.” Gore Vidal —
“it was a dream” Lucille Clifton in which my greater self rose up before me accusing me of my life with her extra finger whirling
Fewer HOPE posters. Not too many bumper stickers. No songs by will.i.am. So I thought I’d share the opening salvo from 90 Days, 90 Reasons.
A mostly true story about an unneighborly bulldog walker and the nameless bulldog in her charge. And why I won’t answer to the name “Carol.”
Sitting on the back porch drinking white thoughts you rain down. Shine on, O moon, Shake out more and more silver changes. “Back Yard” (Sandburg)
“You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.” —
I discovered a new summer beverage called the Atlantique cocktail. To make it, you — Pour 1.5 parts vodka into a cocktail shaker with ice
Samurai Song (A Friday Dayenu, Robert Pinsky) When I had no roof I made Audacity my roof. When I had No supper my eyes dined.
Champagne cork repurposing is about minimizing waste. It’s also about building furniture Cindy Lou Who wouldn’t want to use and creating an esophageal Advil pileup.
Starfleet Academy is stupid, the Traveler is creepy, and Jean-Luc is super datable. Here are 10 things to know about Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Some years back, a friend thought I’d make a good elected official. Instead of writing “Carolyn Daughters for president!” he wrote “Carolyn Gowers for president!”
Replace marketing confusion and frenzy with marketing clarity and fast wins. Game-changer.
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