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Mystery and Thriller Podcast: Tea, Tonic, and Toxin

mystery and thriller podcast - Tea Tonic and Toxin - Carolyn Daughters

Introducing Tea, Tonic, and Toxin, a mystery and thriller podcast hosted by Carolyn Daughters and Sarah Harrison. First up: “The Murders in the Rue Morgue.”


New Mystery and Thriller Podcast and Book Club

Tea, Tonic, and Toxin is a new podcast and book club for people who are (or will soon be) obsessed with mysteries and thrillers. Each month, your hosts, Carolyn Daughters and Sarah Harrison, will discuss a game-changing story or novel in the mysteries and thrillers genre.

IN A NUTSHELL: We’ll read, we’ll discuss, and we’ll all start at the very beginning with Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Murders in the Rue Morgue.” Why begin here? Because this 1841 “tale of ratiocination” may be the first modern detective story. It’s a launching point for the genre and our conversation.

Visit the website to learn more!

Tea, Tonic, and Toxin Podcast -- mystery and thriller podcast for anyone who loves mysteries and thrillers --

It All Starts with “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”

Starting with Edgar Allan Poe, we’ll move, one by one, through novels from the 19th and 20th centuries and see firsthand how the genre evolved. The mysteries and thrillers we choose will offer opportunities for education and lively discussion, along with exceptional entertainment value.

Michael Chabon once wrote that “The original sense of the word entertainment is a lovely one of mutual support through intertwining, like a pair of trees grown together, each sustaining and bearing up the other. It suggests a kind of midair transfer of strength, contact across a void, like the tangling of cable and steel between two lonely bridgeheads. I can’t think of a better approximation of the relation between reader and writer. Derived senses of fruitful exchange, of reciprocal sustenance, of welcome offered, of grasp and interrelationship, of a slender span of bilateral attention along which things are given and received, still animate the word in its verb form: we entertain visitors, guests, ideas, prospects, theories, doubts, and grudges.”

Fruitful exchange, reciprocal sustenance, welcome offered, grasp and interrelationship, a slender span of bilateral attention along which things are given and received. That’s what we’re going for. To that end, we’ll be entertaining visitors, guests, ideas, prospects, theories, doubts, and grudges.

And we hope to entertain you, dear friend, just as we want you to experience the immense joys of reading some of the best mysteries and thrillers ever written.

Subscribe to the Tea, Tonic, and Toxin Podcast

WHAT TO READ: “Murders in the Rue Morgue” by Edgar Allan Poe

HOW TO READ: Find it on your bookshelf (surely you have a copy …), buy it on Amazon (courtesy of Jeff Bezos), or read it for free (courtesy of Project Gutenberg).


RELEASE DATE: January 26, 2022

Tea, Tonic, and Toxin Podcast -- mystery and thriller podcast for anyone who loves mysteries and thrillers --


Keep on reading  … because, why not? How Great Stories Are Made and I Think in Stories.

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