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Bottomless Denver Bellinis and the Missing RAV4

bottomless-denver-bellinis -

Zero-degree temps, bottomless Denver bellinis, a breathtaking Robert Adams photo exhibit, a lack of geospatial awareness, and the case of the not really missing RAV4.

Mini Cooper-less, I’m now driving a RAV4. Yesterday I tried to get into my RAV4 but couldn’t turn the key. See, it’s 5 degrees here in Denver, and the RAV goes into lockdown when the temps drop. Eventually I was able to wrench open the front passenger door and crawl through to the driver’s side. A guy and a gal passed by on the street and gave me a thumbs up after I untangled myself in my seat.

Now all I had to do was start the car. Sounds simple enough, but the RAV doesn’t like to run most days, and in winter it’s even feistier than usual. After much cursing, I finally intimidated the RAV into starting. I set the defrosters to full throttle and turned on the radio and got static. I shut off the radio and got static. So I listened to static and waited for the defrosting. When I couldn’t stand it anymore, I climbed back over the seat and exited the passenger-side door so I could scrape the windows. Brisk temps be damned, my favorite couple hadn’t given up their front-row sidewalk seats to the best entertainment in town. When I landed safely onto the street, they gave me another thumbs up.

When the RAV was drivable (I use that term loosely), I hit the road and met my friend Samuel downtown for bottomless Denver bellinis, and we then met our friends Jason and Paul at the Denver Art Museum to see Robert Adams’ amazing photo exhibit. The photos left me breathless. They also left me with an overriding sense of gloom. What the exhibit was missing, I think, was bottomless Denver bellinis.

Samuel and I hung out downtown until around 10 p.m., by which time it was 0 degrees out. Gentleman that he is, Samuel walked me to my car. Which wasn’t where I had left it.

C: My car is missing.

Samuel: I bet you’re parked at 18th and Champa.

C: I think I know where I parked.

Samuel: Uh huh.

We combed Denver’s icy streets in search of the RAV. Twice we popped into 7-Elevens to warm up. Then Samuel suggested that we walk up to 18th and Champa. Just for fun.

Samuel: Oh look, it’s your car.

C: I have no idea how it got there.

Samuel: I know. Your complete lack of geospatial awareness is as disturbing as it is impressive.

C: Thank you.

2 Responses

  1. Hahaha! Looks like you have the ‘art of losing’ your car down! I know what the problem is and it isn’t you. Toyotas are notorious for getting bored waiting for you and they drive off and repark themselves. My Prius and 4Runner do it all the time.

  2. I’m so glad to hear the problem isn’t me. To be honest, the problem’s pretty serious. Toyota should probably recall their vehicles.

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