The Novel (James Reiss)
After “Gatsby” and “Catcher” and Gaddis it didn’t look back. It honed its approach for cell-phone mini-books, then buffed up, tried on smirks, and tramped
Common marketing missteps waste time and money. These 5 fixes are GAME CHANGERS.
After “Gatsby” and “Catcher” and Gaddis it didn’t look back. It honed its approach for cell-phone mini-books, then buffed up, tried on smirks, and tramped
Flight by Christian Wiman — In the end we love the line love cannot cross. In the end we fall for what we fail. Forget
“Grammar is a piano I play by ear, since I seem to have been out of school the year the rules were mentioned.” Joan Didion
The Price of History Jeffrey McDaniel You’re at a bus stop, wool hat tugged down. Slush sprays up from the trees of a bus wheezing
— One must have a mind of winter To regard the frost and the boughs Of the pine-trees crusted with snow; And have been cold
My Stepsister’s Music — When my mother’s third husband took me thirty years ago to see his daughter from his first marriage smash the cymbals
In a Country — My love and I are inventing a country, which we can already see taking shape, as if wheels were passing through
Pelicans in December (J. Allyn Rosser) One can’t help admiring their rickety grace and old-world feathers like seasoned boardwalk planks. They pass in silent pairs,
Some Days — Poem by Billy Collins Some days I put the people in their places at the table, bend their legs at the knees,
“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” ~ Anton Chekhov
This post isn’t about Rock & Rye. Nope. It’s (mainly) about Black Friday charitable giving. Just a little seasonal bait and switch from yours truly.
Let Evening Come (Jane Kenyon) Let the light of late afternoon shine through chinks in the barn, moving up the bales as the sun moves
When a Child Asks About Angels (Stuart Dischell) When my brother was swept away in a culvert During a flash flood and into a drainpipe
Ancient Script – Robert Morgan The crows in fields of snowy drifts resemble black cuneiform, perhaps a poem from the time of Sumer or Akkad,
I write to find out what I’m thinking, what I see and what it means. What is going on in these pictures in my mind?
Man and Derailment — When the man took his son down the ravine to view, along the opposite bank, the pileup of a passenger train,
I’m honored to be featured in Voyage Denver’s “Denver Hidden Gems” series. In the interview, we discuss perseverance, storytelling, and my work and my brand.
Covers – I learn to knit so I can knit covers for things, easy things at first covers for my hands covers for my feet
Replace marketing confusion and frenzy with marketing clarity and fast wins. Game-changer.
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